Loved having MLK Day off yesterday! We got a lot done around the house. Last week we were working pretty hard on our bathroom and I was hoping to wrap things up in there and show you the final product.
Staining the decorative wood trim that will go around the mirror. |
However, we spent all weekend working on our basement instead. We were lucky and had friends and family that were free to help. (Thank you Jon, Joel, Jeremy, and Dad!) Tonight I'll try to wrap up the bathroom and post about it tomorrow. In the meantime, here are a couple before pictures of our basement. It's a little over 1,500 square feet and will have a living room, bar room, bedroom, office, bathroom, and storage room.
Main living room with the office straight ahead and a bedroom and closet in the left corner. |
This portion will stay as is and will be a storage room. Straight ahead there will be a bar area. Behind the first row of studs there will be a good sized bathroom and then another little storage room. |
So those are the realtor's pics from the original listing. I just realized I never took before pics so I need to get down there and take a few more before we get too far along finishing it. Here are pics of the work we got done this weekend.